Sunday, July 21, 2013

Not the same.

Things are not same,
Conditions are not same...
Everything is not the same....
If it is the same....
Then why the life is difficult?
Mouth is just a thing to say everything possible...
If things are same....
Then "Action" means worthless...
Same? As long as there's human exists.
This word will never be appeared once.

I cannot accept such statement like you say.
That's why I cannot breathe in some specific place...
Me and you
Different world...
Understand your own position..
I chose my road...
When the time comes...
I'll see the outcome...
Words are words
Reality depends action...

That's why I hate you...
All the way...


Monday, July 15, 2013

Time did the Changes?

Nothing goes with the godly power.
A only thing gives me a lot of fun, sad, mad, suffered and more feeling by all the time.
People always say, some people are depending time to change their own style.
Well, I'm not sure I am one of them or not~ 
For some, I'm sure of it feels that I had changed compare to my high school life.
Good or not? I don't know :3 
What I felt is.. Changes? Well there's sure have some...
Especially the mind thinking :X
I've avoid a lot things that I don't want to meet.
I had expected something would happen around me, 
and finally. It happened...
Well, it's true I like to join with my friends and talk all the way in our style.
But not all the time I like to talk with a same person with a same topic every time I met 'em.
It's bored seriously -____-"
You can talk to me, but not using the same topic to open ALWAYS...
Fucking bored and easily got pissed by someone else....

Some people, always want to be a loner,
But still~ Will have someone to join in and become a bastard...
Such noisy person...
Sometimes, I would trying to full ignorance to 'em when I ran out of my mood....
I want find a person with same thinking with me...
It's such been long time I never find a person to talk deeply...
Nowadays, people are harsh...
When they're getting older and older...
A lot of truths are revealed...
The more truths acknowledged, the more sorrows we're going to face...
Opinions from everyone are different
But when people get into a same mood, same result will be shown...
Reality is reality..
We cannot change the facts, but we change ourselves..
Select the one who be loner?
I hope I would...
This realistic world is too oppose to this sensitive "word"...
No matter how many times you join into that world...
You will dragged out to the original world...
I heard a lot undefined questions.....
Whenever I cannot solve these, I'll just avoid it instead...
It's a better for myself...
Rather getting insult by someone...
I don't really care...